Suelos laminados LOGOCLIC® pueden mucho más
Ya que se han desarrollado productos exclusivos LOGOCLIC®, que aseguran que usted, sus huéspedes, amigos, niños y hasta mascotas puedan sentirse cómodos en su casa. Y sin tener que preocuparse si algo sale mal.
- El sistema de protección LOGOCLIC® brinda una protección especial contra la humedad.
- Además, la gama LOGOCLIC® incluye un aislamiento acústico especial, el que reduce el ruido en la habitación y la hace mas agradable. El aislante acústico „Plus“ reduce incluso el sonido de las pisadas en los pisos inferiores y por ende está diseñado para ser colocado en los pisos superiores.

Estas propiedades las tienen casi todos los productos LOGOCLIC®.
Suelos laminados LOGOCLIC® están hechos para todo: ¡Desde niños correteando por la casa hasta su fiesta de cumpleaños, simplemente todo! Nosotros de LOGOCLIC® opinamos que ¡los suelos laminados deben adaptarse a su vida y no al revés!
Lea más sobre las propiedades del suelo laminado y eche un vistazo a las líneas de productos LOGOCLIC®.
What is the best way to clean and care for my LOGOCLIC® laminate flooring?
Laminate from LOGOCLIC® is extremely easy to maintain, smooth and sturdy. It is difficult for dirt to stick. For this reason, it is sufficient to vacuum or wipe down with a damp cloth. Fine dust can be removed in no time. This makes simple and straightforward cleaning of the laminate flooring possible. Nevertheless, you should heed a few basic rules to ensure long years of enjoyment of your laminate flooring.
- Before cleaning, the floor should be vacuumed or swept to remove coarse dust and dirt.
- In the next step, the laminate floor is mopped. Here, the rule is: use as little water as possible. Experts call this damp cleaning – only just damp, as if the floor has been wet by a light mist. If too much water is used, the water can collect in the joints, leading to swelling of the coreboard.
- If you like, you can wipe the floor down with a dry cloth afterwards – preventing streaking.
- You can also add LOGOCLIC® laminate cleaner to the cleaning water. This contains additional care substances which serve to maintain the optimum appearance of the laminate floor.
What do I do if I have scratches or surface marks in the laminate?
Although laminate flooring from LOGOCLIC® is resistant to impact, scratches and abrasion, scratches can still appear in the laminate flooring over time. But that is no reason to remove the whole floor straight away! You can quickly and easily repair individual scratches – and the laminate floor will look like new again.
During installation, the hammer fell on the floor and now a piece of the surface has chipped off. What can we do without replacing the entire floor?
Laminate flooring from LOGOCLIC® is resistant to impact, scratches and abrasion and is very robust. But it is not a miracle floor and so even this flooring can show scratches or dents over time. Yet laminate is very easy to care for – and that includes repairs.