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Expert Heat Aquastop

Innehåll per paket: 10 m²
Stegljudsdämpning: 18 dB
Gångljudsemission: 14 %
Värmeisolering: 0,033 m²K/KW
Lämplig för golvvärme: ja


  • Tjocklek 2 mm
  • Bredd 1 m
  • Längd 10 m


Före läggning ska du se till att golvet är lämpligt förberett, dvs. rent, torrt, sprickfritt, spännings- och tryckbeständigt. Det är inte nödvändigt att använda en extra ångspärr eftersom folien är laminerad på ovansidan. Underlaget läggs ut på golvet (den aluminiumlaminerade foliesidan vänd uppåt). Knäpp ihop de enskilda arken, ta bort skyddsfilmen från den självhäftande remsan och klistra fast den överlappande kanten på den självhäftande remsan. Det är viktigt att arken inte överlappar varandra i skarvarna på lång- och kortsidorna.


Tack vare sitt mycket låga värmemotståndsvärde är Expert Heat Aquastop det perfekta underlaget för användning av laminatgolv med golvvärme. Tack vare sina ljudabsorberande egenskaper förbättrar det den akustiska komforten och ger följaktligen en hög nivå av stegljudsisolering. Den självhäftande kanten och de skurna linjerna gör Expert Heat Aquastop särskilt lätt att lägga. Tack vare sin goda tryckhållfasthet är 3-i-1-kombinationsunderlaget det perfekta valet för rum med medelhög gångtrafik.

Why a vapour barrier?

A vapour barrier or vapour retarder is used in the building industry to prevent water vapour from precipitating as condensation in the thermal insulation or flooring. In the laminate flooring sector, the vapour barrier is a film that is usually made of polyethylene (PE film). It prevents moisture from penetrating through the subfloor into the laminate flooring.

We have chosen an insulating underlay that is already equipped with an aluminium foil as a vapour barrier. Is the underlay laid with the silver layer facing upwards or downwards? 

The underlay is laid with the coated side facing upwards. Lay the underlay with the aluminium coating slightly overlapping and glue the joints with aluminium adhesive tape. Some of the aluminium underlays already have an integrated adhesive surface.

How do I reduce the walking noise of laminate flooring? 

Laminate flooring is made up of individual panels. This can cause noise when you walk on it. The subfloor under the laminate floor also plays a role. To reduce the walking noise on the floor covering, there is no alternative to impact sound insulation. But you have two options here:

  • Impact sound insulation as an underlay: Reduce footfall sound by laying an underlay under the laminate flooring. This minimises noise in the room – your neighbours will be grateful too. You will find various types of impact sound insulation in the LOGOCLIC® range.
  • Integrated impact sound insulation: The Ambienta product line, for example, impresses with its integrated impact sound insulation. This means that no additional work step is required for impact sound installation when laying laminate. The laminate ideally dampens walking noises thanks to this integrated insulation.
Which is the best insulating underlay to use with underfloor heating?

If laminate flooring is to be laid over underfloor heating, the heat dissipation must be taken into account. If the floor covering insulates too much, the heat of the underfloor heating will be insufficiently used – thus a lot of energy will be lost.

The following reference values should be observed if insulating underlay is to be used with underfloor heating: the total thermal resistance should not exceed 0.15 m2K/W.

When do I need a vapour barrier film?

A vapour barrier is a PE film which protects the laminate from moisture. Because this film prevents moisture rising into the laminate flooring. If moisture were to penetrate the laminate floor, it would lead to swelling and rippling in the floor covering. You will find various types of vapour barrier films in the LOGOCLIC® range.

Take a look at the laminate insulation.

Which floors are particularly silent?

The laminate Silentos has an integrated impact sound insulation. For the laminate flooring Family you need to lay an insulation carpet pad. This is also done quite easily thanks to integrated adhesive strips.